Workshops & Masterclasses
In the past 8 years I have hosted 55 social media group workshops & custom-made masterclasses for various freelancers, companies and brands, and have done around 80+ private consults with different professionals to give them one-on-one advice, according to their needs.
As I'm a very hands-on person and prefer face to face consultations, but also really want to help you implement my tips on the spot, I decided to create a more practical half day masterclass to teach you all there is to know about social media for your business, personal branding and content creation in smaller groups, so we will have enough time for your business, private guidance and feedback.
I also offer my consultancy and coaching services on a personal basis via Zoom, especially focused on the Dutch market, about which you can read more on this website:
Who is this for?
(small) brands,
professional bloggers and social media enthusiasts
Who want to use social media for their (future) business and take their personal branding, social selling and content creation skills to the next level!
NB: Most of my services are available online, but for Dutchies also in real life on location in the Netherlands upon request.
For those read on in Dutch:
Hands-on Persoonlijke Social Media, (Personal) Branding & Content Creatie, Consultancy & Coaching
Zie jij ook al die webinars, online workshops en blogs voorbij komen vol met hippe marketing termen, mooie beloften en vooral open deuren, maar geen ECHTE praktijk tips en persoonlijke toepassing?!
En loop jij ook met deze vragen?
Hoe maak ik van mijn idee/ (web)shop/ persoon een merk?
Hoe zet ik dit effectief in de markt op mijn eigen manier?
Welke social media platformen passen bij mij(n merk) en welke juist niet?
Welk platform moet ik waarvoor gebruiken en hoe?
Hoe zet ik social media efficiënt in?
Hoe breng ik structuur aan in mijn online marketing activiteiten?
Hoe creëer ik passende content met een eenduidige uitstraling?
Hoe val ik met mijn foto en tekst op tussen al die anderen?
Hoe kan ik echte interactie en connecties genereren?
En hoe maak ik van mijn volgers klanten?
Dan help ik, Naomi Louwerens, ondernemer sinds 8 jaar, met meer dan 18 jaar ervaring in de mode-en marketing. En totaal meer dan 210.000 volgers op social media gecombineerd, jou graag met veel hands-on tips & tricks, op-maat advies en praktijk begeleiding tijdens een privé consultancy sessie of personal coaching traject.
Wat ik jou kan leren?
Alles over de nieuwste social media ontwikkelingen
De verschillen tussen de social media platformen
Social selling, oftewel klanten aantrekken op een natuurlijke manier
Verschillende toepassing van personal branding en social media
Duidelijkheid, overzicht en rust creëren in jouw content strategie
Opstellen en invullen van je eigen content kalender
Content creatie tips, inspiratie en praktijk
Zie deze pagina van mijn Nederlandstalige website voor alle opties: Authentic Social Media Academy/diensten
Aanmelden kan via mail:
Wat kost het:
Tarieven variëren van €499 tot €599 voor een privé consult van enkele uren, of een pakket op maat, afhankelijk van jouw behoeften.
Wie ben ik?
Ik heb zo'n 9 jaar geleden mijn eigen social media accounts @AuthenticChica en deze website opgezet, met inmiddels meer dan 210.000 volgers gecombineerd. Na 18 jaar in de mode en marketing te hebben gewerkt, heb ik 8 jaar geleden mijn eigen online marketing & PR agency @ACTL_PR_Marketing opgericht, waarvoor ik reeds met meer dan 350 merken en bedrijven heb samengewerkt.
Daarnaast manage ik dagelijks social media accounts voor andere merken en concepten.
Instagram/social media marketing workshop
If possible when Covid measures allow, I will also host half day Instagram workshops again, upon request, in smaller groups.
What will you learn in this workshop?
I will advise you on how to build up your social media presence, channels and especially your Instagram account in an organic way to generate the most engagement, leads and in the end conversions as possible.
As I prefer to stay practical I like to keep my groups a bit smaller, and am happy to guide you in groups of maximum 12 people with many practical assignments to;
learn all about the latest Instagram updates,
get your target group,
niches, USP and themes clear for your personal brand.
I will personally look at your account and
apply and practice all my engagement techniques with you,
help you set up your account in the right way for future growth,
create a checklist and system for time management, posting and consistency,
and much more...
For now these will only be given in DUTCH and will take 3-4 hours.
The last 28 workshops in Utrecht and The Hague were a huge success, but as we have the perfect spot in The Hague, La Paulowna Boutique Hotel is our main location. Dates will follow upon request.
Make sure to contact me here, on social media or send me an e-mail to request more info via:
Private in-house customized company/brand workshops, seminars, masterclasses, social media management, social media take-overs, influencer marketing and promotional campaign consultancy, private consults and coaching is also possible upon request. This has been booked by several freelancers, companies and brands already, such as:
33 Travel Tips
Allianz Travel Insurances
Alta ICT
Alaise Care
Atout France Tourism
AVP Aesthetics
Beachclub C
Bayonne BarResto Den Haag
Bilderberg Hotels
Bonaire Toerisme
Collections Mode Agenturen
Claystudio Leiden
DJADE Agency
De Groene Vrouw
De Winkel in Leiden
Dominicaanse Republiek Toerisme Benelux
Found by Kat
Flow Your Energy
Go Real Europe
Hello Hungary
Hilton Paris Opera
Hotel Plunhof
Ierland Toerisme
Kasteel de Wittenburg
La Paulowna Boutique Hotel
Lazamani Shoes
Le Mas Candille
Loetje Restaurants
Luxembourg for Tourism
Mevrouw de Aankoopmakelaar
Monchi Holiday Homes
My Way Etten-Leur
Nikon Europe
Passion for Tulips
Philogirl Communication & PR
PB Coaching Solutions
Personal Touch Travel
Sarto Fashion
SisterS Point
Sparkling Events
Terschelling Site
Tulip Store
Van der Slot Tulips
Vivienne H. Modeagenturen
Villa Pureza
and others
Is your company or brand next?
Why book this workshop with me?
I am specialized in social media and strongly believe in the power of Instagram,
I built up my own accounts, brand and company in the past 9 years to currently over a 210K followers on social media combined, with 204K+ followers on Instagram,
I'm a social media manager, have set up and am managing social media accounts for more than 50 companies and brands already,
And am testing, learning and implementing new growth and engagement techniques every day for different accounts.
You can find me on the following platforms:
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Youtube
I also share social media tips on this website to help others have more fun with it and advise them how to set up and grow their accounts through my experiences and lessons learnt over the past years!
I am sure my social media tips will help you, but in my experience the secret to success is also the right implementation of these tips and working with a clear concept in mind.
I help companies with this as online marketeer and PR/social media manager through my own company:
Authentic Chic Travel and Lifestyle – PR & Marketing
And I have also hosted a girlstrip to Lisbon in September 2019 with Instagram and photography guidance, about which you can read more here:
Lisbon girlstrip with @AuthenticChica​
My strengths:
I'm a certified Online Marketeer & professional (drone) photographer specialized in content creation & personalization on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin
I have proven to generate high engagement & conversions, especially on Instagram, the most important social media platform internationally
I am original, honest & authentic (use custom-made content)
Versatile, dedicated & a strong concept thinker
With good analytical skills, creativity & commercialism combined in 1 person
And I'm always driven, enthusiastic and pro-active
Selection of companies & brands I've worked with:
(For client testimonials, see the top of this page or go to Work With Me)